IWOTA #12 Kathleen Norris

Kathleen Thompson Norris was born in San Francisco in 1880.

Wikipedia states: “She was one of the most widely read and highest paid female writers in the United States for nearly fifty years, from 1911 to 1959.”

For her mastery of English, I name her an Indigenous Woman Of The Anglosphere. (IWOTA)

Here’s why:

“Disconnecting from change does not recapture the past. It loses the future.”

“In spite of the cost of living, it’s still popular.”

“Peace – that was the other name for home.”

“Like faith, marriage is a mystery. The person you’re committed to spending your life with is known and yet unknown, at the same time remarkably intimate and necessarily other. The classic seven-year itch may not be a case of familiarity breeding ennui and contempt, but the shock of having someone you thought you knew all too well suddenly seem a stranger. When that happens, you are compelled to either recommit to the relationship or get the hell out. There are many such times in a marriage.”

“I was taught that I had to ‘master’ subjects. But who can ‘master’ beauty, or peace, or joy?”

“We can’t give our children the future, strive though we may to make it secure. But we can give them the present.”

Kathleen Norris died in her son’s San Francisco home at the age of 85 in 1966.

God Bless America.

Geoff Fox, October 27, 2023, Down Under

Security On The Never-Never Saves No One At All: Biden, Debt And Defence And Fear of Fiscal Implosion

(This discursive mini-essay does not pretend to be complete. It invites discourse.)

Jackie Kennedy Onassis died on this date in 1994. “If you bungle raising your children,” she said, “I don’t think whatever else you do matters very much.”

Perhaps humankinds most important children are the nations we have created.

“All politics is personal.” said American President Joe Biden, quoting himself, in his first meeting with then new Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese last year.

On the surface? Maybe yes.

But what about the politicians’ essential job of sustainable government. That involves spending the money we do have wisely.

Biden’s personal commitment to Albanese has taken a hit with the cancellation this week of a visit to Australia for a Quad meeting.

Instead Biden needs to deal with the debt ceiling crisis in America.

A lot is at stake:

Almost exactly three years ago my friend, Shelly, who was then in San Diego, wrote for this blog:

America, like ancient Rome, will be destroyed from within long before the actual enemy invasions begin.

I believe the dissolution of America is inevitable.

Pax Americana will end soon, if it hasn’t already.

The coronavirus reaching U.S. shores was like striking a match in a room packed with gunpowder.

Under most circumstances the amount of damage one spark could do would be limited but these are not normal circumstances.

“How can we turn back time and not strike that match?” is not the right question.

What we need to ask is:

“How did all this gunpowder get to be in the smoking room?”

Security On The Never-Never Saves No One At All (No nation can finance defence long term by accruing more and more debt.)

Since Australia’s great wartime Prime minister, John Curtin said, “Australia looks to America.” on December 27, 1941, Australia has relied on America to feel safe in the world.

But now America in Canberra, represented by JFK’s daughter, Caroline, as ambassador, flies the flags you can see at the top above. What would Caroline’s dad say?

The defence of Australia ………… you get what you pay for ……..

Australia needs a solvent America.

Who is working to reduce debt?

Geoff Fox, 19th May, 2023, Down Under

Great Americans #7 Gary Cooper

Gary Cooper died relatively young at sixty years of age, six days after his birthday, on the 13th May, in 1961.

This was nine years after a sensational understated starring performance in High Noon, the immortal anthem to individual moral courage in the face of criminal danger.

Cooper won both the Oscar and Golden Globe for best actor for his haggard unwavering demeanour in High Noon.

The American Film Institute named him the 11th best male star of Hollywood’s Classic Cinema. The Academy gave him.a lifetime achievement award in 1961.

High Noon has always been one of my favourite movies, ever since I first saw it on television in my early teens. Half a century ago.

When Frank Miller, a criminal who had vowed to kill Kane, is headed back to town on the midday train on Kane’s wedding day, Kane tries and fails to rally the support of the terrified towns people. Marshall Kane tells his predecessor:

“I’m having trouble getting deputies.”

Former Marsall Martin Howe explains in response:

“People got to talk themselves into law and order before they do anything about it. Maybe cos down deep they don’t care. They just don’t care.”

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

Nothing’s changed.

Geoff Fox, 13th May, 2023, Down Under

Men For Freedom # 2 John Stuart Mill

Libertarian philosopher John Stuart Mill died 150 years ago on the 7th May, 1873.

He knew that freedom of speech underpins democratic society because it involves both speaking and listening.

Mill wrote:

“He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion… Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them…he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

One of the reasons that the country of my birth, Australia, is now moving towards being a police state, is the Victoria Police, who routinely decide who is guilty and then seek evidence to prove that presumption of guilt without being open to evidence which suggests their suspect is innocent.

They did it to Cardinal George Pell. By

They are doing it to me.

Tomorrow police who assaulted me are putting me on trial. A police officer put his fingers inside the back of my underpants a few hundred metres from the Town Hall and Lord Mayor Sally Capp ignores it.

I will fight for my rights as best I can.

And for justice in the Pell case.

I have to.

As Mill wrote:

“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse ……..

……. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free …….. “

God Bless Freedom

Geoff Fox, 7th May (American time), 2023, Down Under

Voices That Matter #1 Tucker Carlson

We. Need. This. Voice:

Tucker Carlson:

“I try to tell the truth.”

“Is calling English our national language racist?”

“……. a lot of liberals are foot soldiers in the war on Christmas.”

“Life is short ……. Don’t waste it in college unless you’re doing something real.”

“Who laughs less than feminists?”

“Countries …. cannot survive leaders who despise their own people.”

“Ignore voters for long enough and you get Donald Trump.”

……. brilliant words of Tucker Carlson compiled by Geoff Fox to mark Tucker’s departure from Foxnews ……

lest we forget to try to tell the truth

28th April, 2023, Down Under

Donald Trumps Next Great Building – A Comprehensive Coalition For Freedom

The Social Contract is broken.

The Bragg-Daniels attack on Donald Trump is the quintessential modern act of PC stupidity’s destruction of a society.

If it succeeds.

But yet again, President Trump’s vicious enemies have under-estimated and misread the master campaigner they seek to destroy.

The man is a builder.

From way back.

And now his astonishing creativity has the chance to build the single best thing to Make America truly Great Again.

A broad-based coalition for freedom.

These are some of the people I believe President Trump should invite now to agree to be part of his next administration (left to right):

Tulsi Gabbard, the former Bernie Sanders Democrat. She is now a CPAP star. Pat Buchanan recommended her to replace Bolton in the first Trump Administration. She looks great. She speaks great. And, in my opinion, she thinks great.

Mitt Romney. If Trump makes peace with the RINOs, he returns to The White House. Romney has just stated Trump is unfit for office, but magnanimity to Romney from Trump now extends Trump’s base. If a totally united Republican Party standing for freedom goes to the people in 2024, the Trump Democrats stand a chance of outnumbering yesteryear’s Reagan Democrats and potentially delivering landslides in all three houses.

Nikki Haley, former Governor of South Carolina for six years until she became Trump’s ambassador to the U.N.

Elise Stefanik, who was 30 years old when she entered Congress.

Governor Ron DeSantis, a very strong candidate for the VP spot on the ticket and, if willing, a certainty to be in Trump’s Unity Freedom Cabinet.

Marjorie Taylor Greene a very conservative woman from Rome, Georgia.

Senator Ted Cruz, the first Hispanic-American to become a U.S. Senator from Texas.

Kari Lake, a media star and Trump loyalist.

Senator Rand Paul, the very talented and highly moral son following in the footsteps of his truly immortal libertarian father, Ron.

A broad coalition for freedom like this would be unbeatable in 2024.

Can The Donald build it?

I hope so.

Geoff Fox, 5th April, 2023, Down Under

We Shall Return – Thank You General MacArthur

As my life is trashed by police state crap in Melbourne, Australia, I look to certain people to seek a recovery.

The innate systemic goodness of most human beings can defeat the evil which sometimes corrupts this world.

But it takes work.

Together, we shall return.

I revere the leadership towards such ends of General Douglas MacArthur in World War Two.

He took the essential human yearnings for discipline and peace and channeled them for victories from this date in 1942 (when he was recorded making his iconic “I shall return.” promise in outback Terowie) till Japanese imperialism was decisively destroyed.

He had to get past lazy stupidities like the Brisbane Line to achieve his success.

He once said, “There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity.”

God Bless Good Clean Thought.

God Bless Freedom.

Geoff Fox, 20th March, 2023

Police State Crits #14 Channeling Douglas MacArthur Now

Today is the 143rd birthday of General Douglas MacArthur.

I believe he was a quality thinker and, sometimes, a truly great wordsmith.

When he suggested that moral decline can either be countered by a a spiritual awakening or cause national disaster, he could have been talking about what I see in Australia now.

I see a loss of trust and real authority in nearly all Australian institutions because of profound dishonesty and selfishness.

The moral foundations of religions are a possible solution.

What MacArthur called “a better world ….. based on faith and understanding.”

Geoff Fox, 26th January, 2023, Down Under

Refinding Sisterhood #1 Iranian Beauties Make My Kartiniist Heart Sing

121 years ago, in the New Year of 1902, the young Javanese noblewoman and iconic women’s rights pioneer R.A. Kartini and her elder sister experienced a sisterhood revelation which was part of the foundation for Kartini’s greatness as an Indonesian national hero. Kartini described it like this:

“WHEN we were in Samarang {sic, the modern spelling is Semarang}, our eldest sister came over to see us, “Sister, sister,” was all that she said, when she
had seen me. The arms that were thrown around me trembled, and her eyes were filled with tears. We were silent; we understood each other. At last we have found our sister.

At last, after years, we have gained her understanding and respect
That gives us new courage, because at first, she was very conservative,
and was opposed violently to every innovation.”

I see the same glorious beauty in Persian women of the “Women. Life. Freedom” movement in Melbourne.

Mona and Mas, Persian friends.

Is this the fourth wave of feminism, which I predict will strive to replace the self-hatred, victimhood and misandry of third wave feminism with love and fairness for all?

Geoff Fox, New Years Day, 2023, Australia